Support Us

Ugh money! I know. I’m not excited about it either, but the money you give goes a long way! It goes right back into bettering Jules of the Sea so we can keep creating content for you to enjoy and help support our future goal of creating scholarships for people pursuing careers in marine science.

The other way to help us is to SUBSCRIBE and FOLLOW especially on Youtube and Instagram! The more subscribers and followers we have, the more support we get from our sponsors!


Patreon is one of the main ways that I can support myself and some of the wonderful people behind Jules of the Sea. It takes a lot of work to write out and design comics, videos, and other content so any support means a lot and you can join our community for as little as $1 a month! By becoming a patron, you will get to see all of the behind the scenes stuff happening with JS with exclusive videos and other posts that only patrons can see!

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Wow! Neat! What a great mutualistic symbiotic relationship! Let Jules of the Sea be your clown fish to your anemone!


Sponsors & Partners

Is your company looking to get its mutualistic symbiotic relationship with Jules of the Sea? Jules of the Sea is dedicated to representing ocean themed and environmentally friendly brands! With sponsors, my team and I will be able to dedicate part of our Youtube videos and Instagram posts to your product! Thanks for being our boat and keeping Jules of the Sea afloat!

Contact us below and someone will get back to you faster than you can say the Hawaiian State fish! (humuhumunukukuapua’a)

Contact us.