My Video Portfolio


Marine Science Videos

All of these videos were made by Jules Leon as he was working as a content creator for the Catalina Island Marine Institute (CIMI). These videos capture various topics in marine biology and you will be sure to enjoy!


Learn about animals in the sediment in this haunting visit from the sandman!

Unlock the secrets of Chad Buffington’s abalone work out program that will leave your abs as tough as abalone shell!

Poor sharks just have a lot of bottled up emotions that they want to let out! Explore their sensory world and get to know these sensitive sensory selachimorphs!

Learn about Jellyfish in this throw back reference to the famous Peanut Butter Jelly Time song

No whale can get passed Lance Finwhale, Ace Cetacean Detective. Learn how to follow the clues of which whales are present at the scene of the crime!


Other Science Videos

Jules also did videos for other various science videos for CIMI covering the subjects of astronomy and botany. He also did a video for featuring animals talking, featuring teachers and students for world teachers day, and even a summer recruitment video for CIMI.